Every business or profession can benefit from consulting a good accountant, but at McEwan and Partners accountancy is just one facet of our services to business. We want our clients to have the best chance of succeeding. Therefore, we have developed a Business Improvement Process that encompasses all areas of business management and operation.
Our Business Improvement Process can include:
We work with you to improve your business. This may include re-assessing your business's direction and developing or refining your business strategy. Once a business strategy is in place, we will help you action your plan and ensure you stay 'on track'.
Finally, McEwan and Partners can assist you with ensuring all of your internal financial information systems are adequate and functioning ¬allowing you to focus on your business's development.
McEwan and Partners provides financial management services that are designed to assist you in planning, directing, and assessing your business's financial performance and position. In order for information to be useful it must be timely and relevant, and it is to these standards that we can prepare a variety of periodic financial reports to assist your business.
In addition to periodic financial reporting, you may require cash flow analyses and budgets to monitor and project the cash position of your business. We have a 3-way budgeting tool that enables you to make a periodic assessment of your business's financial performance, financial position, and cash flows in an integrated model. While this area is often overlooked by many businesses, most financiers make similar assessments of your business.
In order to meet your internal reporting needs we have considerable expertise in a range of accounting software packages, including MYOB and QuickBooks.
Click the links below to view our handy online
tools and resources.
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Suite 2, 18 Throsby Street,
Wickham NSW 2293, Australia
(02) 4963 2200
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.