McEwans can assist you when you require finance for your business, including bank and non-bank borrowings, leasing, hire purchase, and equipment hire. We can provide you assistance with preparing finance applications. In addition, as independent advisors we are in a unique position to provide unbiased advice when assessing a variety of finance offers so as to ensure you obtain the most appropriate finance for your business and circumstances.
Directors and executives of companies have a long list of legal responsibilities governed by the Corporations Act and Regulations. We can provide advice and assistance ensuring you meet these obligations. Further, as Chartered Company Secretaries, we provide our additional expertise to our clients, including:
McEwan and Partners provides litigation support to both businesses and individuals. Our business experience and skills as Chartered Accountants, Registered Company Auditors, and Taxation Specialists are called upon to provide expert witness reports and opinions in court proceedings.
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Suite 2, 18 Throsby Street,
Wickham NSW 2293, Australia
(02) 4963 2200
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.